LANSA ERP Frameworks Features
An IBM i Modernization Strategy for Immediate Results and Long-Term Strategy

Comprehensive ERP with Rich Functionality
Simple yet cost-effective way to get transactions in and out of your business systems with less human effort.

The Distribution Framework
- Suppliers face many challenges today, including high level of supply chain inefficiency, shrinking margins, and escaling customer expectations.
- It is more important than ever before to increase productivity and profitability, enhance the customer experience, and establish a virtual enterprise.
- All of this is possible through effective use of technology.
- A key component of LANSA's ERP software solution is the Distribution Framework, offering core application modules to address critical business requiremnts, with the advanatge that they can be easily tailored to meet an organization's unique needs and can be extended to provide web, Windows and XML interfaces using LANSA's advanced software.
- Modules include Inventory Management, Purchasing, Quality Inspection, Order Entry, Shipping, Billing, Returned Goods, Sales Analysis, Customer Quotes and cost Accounting
The Manufacturing Framework
- Maufactures are under increasing pressure to lower costs, improve customer service, shrink the sourcing cycle, and maintain velocity suppply chain management.
- It is imperative to integrate information silos and processes within the enterprise and with all points along the supply chain (suppliers, outsourced manufacturing sites and customer) in order to satisfy these requirements.
- Another key component of LANSA's ERP software solution is the manufacturing Framework offering core application modules to deliver a fully integrated base system.
- The manufacturing Framework can be easily tailored ti meet and organization's unique needs and extended to address trading partner integration web browser self-service applications and application-to-application integration using LANSA's advanced software.
- Module include Bill of Material, Material Planning, Production Control, Production Reporting, Forecasting and Cost Accounting
- General Ledger, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable, Cash Management, Multicurrency, and currency Translation.
The Financial Framework
- It's ture that a better accounts payable system, genral ledger application, or fincacial reporting system will not generally lead to better customer satsifaction and retention-or improve your ability to adapt as circumstances change in your supply chain.
- However, a well-integrated, soft parameter-driven financial system does increase your administrative and finance department's productivity-and is invaluable in allowing you to get the accurate big-picture view needed without waiting for a lenghty month-end process.
- LANSA's Financial Framewor-a strategic component of LANSa's ERP software solution-offers core application modules that include multicurrency, multilevel tax processing and multicompany capabilities.
- The ability to implement procedural changes as business circumstances dicate is driven primarily by soft parameter changes rather than coding/development chnages.
- In addition to additon meeting your organization's unique business processign needs, the Financial Framework can be extented to provide web, Windows, XML, and EDI interfaces using LANSA's advanced software.
- Module include General Ledger, Accounts Receivable, Accounts Paybale, Cash Management, Multicurrency and Currency Translation.
Kawasaki Chooses LANSA ERP and Reaps the Benefits
Some companies choose to implement big ERP packages that require them to change their business in order to match what the ERP vendor deems best practices. It is technically and financially challenging to add or customize functionality after the fact. Because of this, Kawasaki Motors Manufacturing Corp. chose a different path and is reaping the benefits.